
Il nostro Eurhop, spazio dedicato alla degustazione di più di 800 birre (anche internazionali)

A few months ago in Kabul, we met Farida and her struggle to survive. We are pleased to announce an incredible evolution

Il 16 marzo 2023, il leader del partito di opposizione Pastef, in Senegal, doveva comparire in tribunale

Imagine waking up one day, opening the windows of your home, unfinished because you are waiting to get some more money to finish it, and seeing a bulldozer ready to tear down those walls that took you years to build up to give your family a shelter. Imagine one early morning you go to the olive grove […]

We are talking a lot about racism these days, and more authoritative voices than mine are saying very clever things. Shame how nothing ever changes though. Shame how the world seems to be going up and down rather than forward. The good guys on one side, the baddies on the other. Then when the goodies […]

En un escenario de abusos, de hambre, de violencia de género, nace Lastesis. Cuatro mujeres de Valparaíso contra el Estado machista.

Emergencia. Pandemia mundial. Radio Bullets se convierte en un espacio antropológico.

«Estos apuntes, compañeros de un largo camino, que siempre estuvieron conmigo para recordarme mi casi ningún derecho a sentirme solo, deprimido, o con la bandera a media asta. Fueron escritos en diferentes lugares y situaciones. Nunca supe cómo llamarles y todavía no lo sé. Es cierto que en ellos hay mucho de experiencia personal». – […]

Periodistas y activistas cuentan cómo un continente que ya está en crisis política, económica y ambiental se defiende del virus

La gerazione cresciuta in Afghanistan dopo l’11 settembre si scontra in Parlamento contro un sistema ritenuto arcaico

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